Thursday, August 25, 2011

Garden fun

Our great summer garden experiment might actually pay off! We have tomatoes (albeit still green), green beans which we've been throwing into almost every dish, Swiss chard, which Simone loves to walk over to the garden and nibble on and squash/zucchini hybrid plants, which, as Danny pointed out are neither as tasty as either the solo squash OR the zucchini. Next year I think we'll just opt for the traditional varietal.

Next step, preserving! The plan is to go to some u-pick farms over the next week to start making our own pickles and jams.

Simone has just been astounding us with how much she is growing up and how much she is comprehending. She is understanding instructions, is very interested in mimicking what momma and dada are doing (no Simone! put down daddy's razor!) She likes to "help" do the dishes, she love to floss, she is really good at planting seeds in the garden, she throws things away for me, she's really good at so nicely taking all the freshly folded towels and sheets out of the linen closet or so sweetly "cleaning" everything out of mom's bookshelf. She LOVES the water and doesn't seem to be bothered by cold or hot temperatures, either way she just wants to jump right in. She's running more, falling less, climbing on everything. It's toddlerhood at it's best (and worst). Edgar just said this morning, "I think she got taller overnight!" She's a growing little bean and we're so excited to be enjoying every moment of it.

Hope you all are doing well, we sure are enjoying this late hot summer!