Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hot hot heat

Summer is finally here in Oregon! We have been gardening with Mimi, enjoying the parks and Simone has loved getting to wear not much more than a diaper. She has also started to enjoy food! She is (gasp!) 7 months old now and keeping us busy and laughing. She's so squirmy she's hard to even hold in your lap without doing constant acrobatics with her.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New pics

Wow, we have been TOTAL slackers on updating the blog. That's summer for you. It's also been a result of perfect storm of internet and computer issues. Anyways, Simone is getting sooo big. She is fully sitting up on her own, eating all kinds of fun new solid foods. Went on her first complete family (Edgar and I) vacation to LA only to come home to more grandparents! Yay! The family fun continues. Here are some recent pictures to get you up to date.