Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tubby Time!

Just a couple of quick shots. Simone loves being on her changing table and having her naked time on her lambs wool pad.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Simone and Emily returned to Mt. Tabor for a little hike 2 weeks after she was born.

3 days before Simone was born Edgar and I hiked all over Mt. Tabor trying to get things moving. This included me going up and down these stairs 3 times.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More Cutie Pictures taken by Aunt Lilia

Visits from my family in LA

We had Grandma Rosa (Edgar's mom) and Grandpa Alberto visit with Aunt Lilia this past weekend. It was so great to see them again and Simone loved meeting them.


Welcome to Simone's blog spot! We are creating this website so that friends and family that live near and far can watch as our little angel begins to grow and spread her wings. I'm attempting to take at least one picture of her everyday so that we can see the changes.

So to start: Simone Elyse Doumerc was born January 30, 2010 at 8:56 PM weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long. She was born at Alma Midwifery Birthing Center in Portland, OR. The birth was attended by her father, Edgar, my sister Bree, and our midwife team consisting of Kori Pienovi, Kelly and Meara. She took her time getting here (5 days past her due date and 24 hours of hard labor) but she is such a sweet blessing to have. She has thus far been a very pleasant baby. She sleeps well, loves to eat and already has quite the personality. We are loving getting to know our little baby girl and are both surprised and delighted with how full of love for her we are.