Thursday, November 11, 2010

Simone and Emily went to Alaska...AGAIN!

3 times in one year! This is a record number of trips to Alaska since initially moving out of state in 2005. I guess that's what happens when you have a baby in Oregon and grandparents in Alaska with lots of frequent flier miles. While there we were able to have lots of relaxing good times with Mimi and Papa. Simone was teething a lot as her 5th (yes 5th!) tooth was working on coming in while we were there. Hence her fancy vibrating teether star that you can see her demonstrating in these photos.
Simone also loooved getting to take naps on Mimi and Papa's fancy Heavenly Bed...

We went on a beautiful hike up in Bear Valley and got to catch up with old friends. We took a gorgeous drive down to Seward and had a fun time looking at all the boats. Simone also officially learned to crawl while we were there, Mimi even caught her first crawl on video. After weeks of "rolling crawling" and weird "crab leg crawling" she finally got excited about chasing a kitty toy and crawled after it. I'll try to get a video posted soon of her new abilities. Thanks Mom and Dad for another wonderful trip. We love you and can't wait to see you again.

What we have been up to for the past month

Simone and Ceder have been having a good time together lately. Here they are shown so sweetly sharing a little snack. We also had a fun time going out to Sauvie Island to find pumpkins and squash, cute pictures ensued...

Monday, September 20, 2010

My sweaty baby

Simone loves the box her new booster seat came in almost as much as she loves the actual chair. Check out how sweaty her hair is from playing! Too funny

Her favorite new food is...

Look at the grip on that spaghetti! You're not getting that back. She looovves her some spaghetti. She is demonstrating her slurping technique on the right.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hot hot heat

Summer is finally here in Oregon! We have been gardening with Mimi, enjoying the parks and Simone has loved getting to wear not much more than a diaper. She has also started to enjoy food! She is (gasp!) 7 months old now and keeping us busy and laughing. She's so squirmy she's hard to even hold in your lap without doing constant acrobatics with her.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New pics

Wow, we have been TOTAL slackers on updating the blog. That's summer for you. It's also been a result of perfect storm of internet and computer issues. Anyways, Simone is getting sooo big. She is fully sitting up on her own, eating all kinds of fun new solid foods. Went on her first complete family (Edgar and I) vacation to LA only to come home to more grandparents! Yay! The family fun continues. Here are some recent pictures to get you up to date.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Simone and Friends

Simone had a very social past two weeks, we got to see our friend Ellery again, and baby Sasha. Then a fun evening socializing with all the winter Alma babies (the 10 babies born at the same birthing center since December). And finally a very busy moms group. I would post more of the cute pictures I had from meeting Levi, but they were on my phone that got lost/stolen... boo! Unfortunately all this socializing resulted in Simone's second cold (just a stuffy nose) but we've been laying low as a result.

Simone has been getting a lot more vocal in the last week. She has started doing these "talking sessions" where she is looking at you and making all kinds of sounds. If we start to mimic her she gets very excited and starts to kick her legs and wave her arms. She is such a fun baby, she wakes up smiling, rarely fusses or cries unless tired and sleeps well. We are blessed.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cousin Madisen

Ellery Visit

This was taken awhile ago, when Simone was just one week old. Sooo cute! We love our friends Ellery and Katherine.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tubby Time!

Just a couple of quick shots. Simone loves being on her changing table and having her naked time on her lambs wool pad.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Simone and Emily returned to Mt. Tabor for a little hike 2 weeks after she was born.

3 days before Simone was born Edgar and I hiked all over Mt. Tabor trying to get things moving. This included me going up and down these stairs 3 times.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More Cutie Pictures taken by Aunt Lilia

Visits from my family in LA

We had Grandma Rosa (Edgar's mom) and Grandpa Alberto visit with Aunt Lilia this past weekend. It was so great to see them again and Simone loved meeting them.


Welcome to Simone's blog spot! We are creating this website so that friends and family that live near and far can watch as our little angel begins to grow and spread her wings. I'm attempting to take at least one picture of her everyday so that we can see the changes.

So to start: Simone Elyse Doumerc was born January 30, 2010 at 8:56 PM weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long. She was born at Alma Midwifery Birthing Center in Portland, OR. The birth was attended by her father, Edgar, my sister Bree, and our midwife team consisting of Kori Pienovi, Kelly and Meara. She took her time getting here (5 days past her due date and 24 hours of hard labor) but she is such a sweet blessing to have. She has thus far been a very pleasant baby. She sleeps well, loves to eat and already has quite the personality. We are loving getting to know our little baby girl and are both surprised and delighted with how full of love for her we are.